Ryba Taxi prices in the city

Check the current prices in Wrocław

Ridings in Wrocław Gross price [PLN]
Initial / minimum fee including the substitution and the passenger taxi ride (up to 4 passengers), road section up to 4 km - on telephone call / order via the mobile application, order via the website 20
Initial / minimum fee including the substitution and the minivan taxi ride(from 5 to 6 passengers), road section up to 4 km - on call / order via the mobile application, order via the website 30
Surcharge for providing a passenger taxi (up to 4 passengers) on call / order via the mobile application, order via the website, at a specified time (term order) 10
Surcharge for the substitution of a minivan / bus taxi (from 5 to 6 passengers) on a telephone call / order via the mobile application, order via the website, at a specified time (term order) 10
The rate for each commenced kilometer on each of the tariffs (flat rate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) - passenger car (up to 4 passengers) 2,50
The rate for each commenced kilometer on each of the tariffs (flat rate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) - minivan / bus car (from 5 to 6 passengers) 3,50
There are minimum flat rates outside the city limits of Wrocław Find the city in a table suburban or at a call center employee
Parking time fee
Parking time fee (from 7 minutes to 15 minutes) 10
Parking time fee (from 16 minutes to 30 minutes) 20
Parking time fee (from 31 minutes to 45 minutes) 30
Parking time fee (from 46 minutes to 60 minutes) 40
Each subsequent commenced stopping hour is calculated the same way as presented above
Package delivery charge 10
Surcharge for large items transportation in an estate car 10
Surcharge for animals transportation 10
Shopping service (within the city of Wrocław) 30
Jump starting a car service (within the city of Wrocław) 40
Wheel change service (within a city of Wrocław) 50
Car drop off service 7,50/km, not less than 60
Airport car entry fee 5